We returned to Keppers, me mostly interested in seeing what i was still capable of climbing. I however felt pretty good with a quick solo of a pleasant enough E1 and then had a bash at the 'FA' of the blunt arete which franco had just soloed. Goes about E2 5c with a heathery topout.
Then we got to work TRing the groove again, i however felt much better on it this time around. The rock was dry this time, however it was very very hot. Liquid chalk was out and i found that i could do all the moves except the top horror move but was unable to link them. Happy enough with that.
An early Link of the left Hand finish - H8? 6c
Link of the Kepwick Groove from Dave Warburton on Vimeo.
After franco i eventually managed wierd starting move and then pulled through what is meant to be the crux. A hard pull from the starting pocket to an edge. It's tenuous stuff.
Crimpin' hard from Dave Warburton on Vimeo.
Finally another view of the route, with half a link and some crappy banter, which is quite funny, if you can hear the dialogue... but you might have had to be there!
Franco climbing / banter from Dave Warburton on Vimeo.