Thursday, 1 July 2010

Kepper's Groove

Two weeks ago i was TRing the Groove at Kepwick the night before heading to Leeds to depart on scottish geological mapping. Two weeks of lost climbing, but some running and caving saw me feeling fit but not climbing fit. I had actually put weight on but felt pretty good, a 3 hour ascent and descent of Ben More Assynt from Inchnadamph being an impressive feat for me, anyway.

We returned to Keppers, me mostly interested in seeing what i was still capable of climbing. I however felt pretty good with a quick solo of a pleasant enough E1 and then had a bash at the 'FA' of the blunt arete which franco had just soloed. Goes about E2 5c with a heathery topout.

Then we got to work TRing the groove again, i however felt much better on it this time around. The rock was dry this time, however it was very very hot. Liquid chalk was out and i found that i could do all the moves except the top horror move but was unable to link them. Happy enough with that.

An early Link of the left Hand finish - H8? 6c

Link of the Kepwick Groove from Dave Warburton on Vimeo.

After franco i eventually managed wierd starting move and then pulled through what is meant to be the crux. A hard pull from the starting pocket to an edge. It's tenuous stuff.

Crimpin' hard from Dave Warburton on Vimeo.

Finally another view of the route, with half a link and some crappy banter, which is quite funny, if you can hear the dialogue... but you might have had to be there!

Franco climbing / banter from Dave Warburton on Vimeo.